Booking Rules

  • Only one court can be booked for singles.
  • Two consecutive courts may be booked for doubles.
  • Members may book a court up to 14 days in advance but not before 6am when booking 14 days in advance.
  • Members are encouraged to show the opponent's name.
  • Members playing on a court that has not been booked in their name before going on the court may be asked to leave the court.

Booking Fees

  • There are no court booking fees, however, members are required to check-in prior to playing in order to confirm usage.
  • However, this court booking system automatically implements the following Check-In/No-Show and Late-Cancellation policies.


  • Members are required to check-in before going on court in order to confirm court usage.
  • You must know booking system PIN in order to check-in.
  • You can look-up and change your PIN when logged-in to (if necessary, use your email with the Forgotten Password process).
  • Failure to check-in will automatically result in a £5 no-show charge being applied to your booking system account.


  • Members are encouraged to cancel a court as soon as possible so that the court may be used by other members.
  • There are no late-cancellation charges if you cancel more than 24 hours in advance.
  • The system will automatically apply a £3 late-cancellation charge if you cancel within 24 hours, however, this late-cancellation charge will be automatically refunded if the same court and start time is rebooked.


  • If you're playing a Guest (non-member), then you must select "Guest £5" as your playing partner to show on the booking sheets.
  • The system will automatically charge the £5 guest fee to your booking system account.
  • If you're no longer playing a Guest, you can change your playing partner/opponent to a member, and the £5 Guest Fee will be removed.
  • This can be done when you book the court or any time before playing (but you cannot do this after your booking start time).

Member Accounts

  • Members with outstanding No-Show, Late-Cancellation, and Guest Fee charges must Buy Credit to cover these charges in order to continue booking courts.
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